ExiProgen™ Protein Expression Optimization Kit

ExiProgen™ Protein Expression Optimization Kit is used for generating linear template DNA that contains six different types of tag sequences. The template DNA made from this kit can be used for cell-free protein synthesis.

Cat. No.

Solution for Successful Cell-Free Protein Synthesis


This product can be used to generate template DNA with sequences that can synthesize various tags for screening and maximizing the target protein expression. This allows expressing proteins with template DNA samples that were once difficult to express using ExiProgen™ protein synthesis system. Furthermore, each of the template DNA contains TEV cleavage sites, allowing removal of tags after the protein synthesis if needed.

Features and Benefits

  • Convenient

    Contains all the components essential for generating maximum of 30 different types of template DNA. (However, you must order the 1st primer set for 1st PCR of target gene separately.)

  • Rapid

    Saves time by skipping the cloning step by getting the template DNA through PCR.

  • Minimized PCR error

    Provides AccuPower® ProFi Taq PCR PreMix, having high accuracy and precision, to lower the error rate as much as possible

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