ExiProgen™ ProXpress PCR Template Kit (16 reactions)

ExiProgen™ ProXpress PCR Template Kit allows generation of template DNA for protein synthesis for ExiProgen™ without the cloning step. The product provides our signature products, Long & High Fidelity PCR PreMix and AccuPower®ProFi Taq PCR PreMix, which minimize error rates that may occur during the PCR reaction and produce template DNA samples for protein expression with high fidelity.

※This product is shipped in dry ice.

Cat. No.


This kit is for making proteins using PCR products through the manual cell-free protein synthesis kit and the automated protein synthesis device.

While using this kit, the cloning process of the target protein genes is not necessary, allowing faster expression only within a day for testing the functions of proteins. 

The template DNA is acquired using two PCR cycles. (Refer to Specifications or Manual).

1) 1st PCR : Amplication of the target protein genes using extended primer.

2) 2nd PCR : Amplication of the first PCR products using a pair of upstream and downstream cassettes and retrieval of the final template DNA with gel purification

Features and Benefits

  • Rapid process

    Acquisition of template DNA only through PCR; cloning process not required 

  • User-friendly

    Only primer sets for primary PCR target amplication is required to be prepared as all the components required for protein synthesis template DNA production is included 

  • Minimized PCR error

    AccuPower® ProFi Taq PCR PreMix with high fidelity provided to minimize the error rate of PCR reaction.

  • Flexibility

    Preparation of template DNA with His-tag at desired positions with various sizes 

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