MagListo™ 5M Plasmid Extraction Kit

MagListo™ 5M Plasmid Extraction Kit uses alkaline lysis method applied with Magnetic Nanobeads to efficiently minimize the isolation time.

Extraction Time: Mini prep (5min), Midi prep (10min), Maxi prep (15min)

Magnetic bead method

As low as $66.00
Cat. No.

Features and Benefits

  • Quick
    Minimized plasmid DNA extraction time from cell-crushed products using Magnetic Beads

  • Cost-effective
    No need of expensive instruments other than the kit and MagListo™ Magnetic Separation Rack

  • Convenient
    Broad coverage of scales for Mini, Midi, and Maxi isolation protocols with just a single kit (Mini - within 5min, Midi - within 10min, Maxi - within 15min)


• Gene cloning


• Real-time PCR

• Sequencing

• Transformation

• Transfection

in-vitro transcription / translation

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