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AccuPower® RocketPlex RT-PCR PreMix & Master Mix

AccuPower® RocketPlex RT-PCR PreMix is designed for continuous cDNA synthesis and PCR of two or more target genes. Maximum of 10 target RNAs can undergo one-step RT-PCR simultaneously with excellent thermal stability through the application of RocketScript™ RTase, making it also suitable for the cDNA synthesis of secondary RNA structures with increased reaction specificity using HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase. Furthermore, all components crucial for RT-PCR and electrophoresis, including a tracking dye and a sedimentation agent, are each packaged with amounts sufficient for a single run to prevent cross-contaminations from the repetitive use of master mix.
※This product is shipped in dry ice.
Features and Benefits
- Superior Multiplex Performance
Simultaneous cDNA synthesis and amplification up to 10 target genes just by adding their primers in a single tube
Single and Multiplex RT-PCR
- Specificity
HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase for increasing the specificity of the PCR reaction.
- User-friendly
Amplification of various targets easily in a single tube with one reaction which can be used by anyone
• Multiplex RT-PCR
• Low copy detection
• Gene-expression analysis
Experimental data

Figure. Single RT-PCR and Multiplex RT-PCR using AccuPower® RocketPlex RT-PCR PreMix
M; 25/100 bp Mixed DNA Ladder (Cat. No. D-1020,Bioneer)