AccuCRISPR™ In/del analysis service

This product is the part of AccuTool Validation. It is a Genome Editing Tool capable of showing quick and efficient performance.
Cat. No.


BIONEER provides In/del analysis service and Mutation Detection Kit based on the next generation sequencing (NGS) data to validate its genome editing efficiency.

  • In/del analysis service

    AccuCRISPR™ In/del analysis service analyzes a specific genome site using targeted resequencing technique based on NGS, which can quickly get results at a reasonable price. Therefore, it is suitable for testing the genome editing efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9 (Figure 1).
    The NGS results will be provided in the form of data reports, including the raw data. Those will be sent to the e-mail address written in the order form.

  • Only Mi-seq running

    Only Mi-seq running will be done for the validation test. At least 1 plate (96 samples) must be requested for this service. Send us the prepared samples that are ready to be run, along with their accurate index and adaptor information. The results will be provided in the FASTQ file format.

    Figure 1. Workflow for In/del analysis service & Only Mi-seq running

  • Mutation Detection Kit (T7E1)

    This kit includes a T7E1 enzyme and positive controls that are mostly used in genotyping.

Features and Benefits of In/del analysis service

  • High-quality sequence analysis results

    We provide 80 or more of Q30 (%) score.

  • Reliable data

    We provide total reads of at least 10,000.

  • Clear In/del analysis service report

    Our data reports are highly organized, making them easier to read.

Validation Report

Features and Benefits of Mutation Detection kit

  • All-In-One

    This kit contains all the products necessary for the mutation detection.

  • Easy-to-use

    Genome editing results can be easily confirmed through in vitro methods.

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