AccuPower® Babesia PCR Kit

AccuPower® Babesia PCR Kit is designed to detect 17 species of Babesia genus from blood of Babesia-infected livestock.

※ This product is shipped in dry ice.

Cat. No.
Babesia, which is parasitic on red blood cells in human or animals, has been mainly distributed in trophical and subtrophical region so far, but shows also increasing global distribution by the effect of global warming.Babesia-related disease is distributed globally in livestocks. It is mediated by 3 kinds of ticks in their hosts, which are found in Korea also. Once-infected animal may mediate infection of those microbials to other animals, and would give huge damage to livestock farmers. Especially patients who were infected by B. bovineB. divergens or B. microti were reported in Korea on 1990. Babesia-infected human or animal shows symptons including anemia by hemolysis, fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, high fever and chill at 1-4 weeks after infection. It may result in fatality if an immune suppressed animal is infected.
AccuPower® Babesia
Animal Disease Standard Diagnostic Method (QIA*) G company (Germany) I company (Korea) B company (chile)
Babesia Detection of 17 kinds of Babesia,
~10 copies
Detection of 2 types
(B. bovine, B. bigemina)
Single detected (B.bigemina, B.bovis, B.caballi, B.euai, B.gibsoni) Detection of 2 types (B. canis, B. gibsoni) Single detected (B.canis, B.gibsoni, B.ovis, B.caballi, B.bigemina, B.bovis, B.pullorum)
* QIA: Animal, Plant and Fisheries Quarantine and Inspection Agency, Korea


Developed cooperatively with QIA (Quarantine and Inspection Agency), Application of patent completed (Patented).

>High performance
Detection of 17 kinds of Babesia

Babesia Detected

Babesia bennetti, Babesia bigemina, Babesia bovis, Babesia caballi, Babesia canis, Babesia crassa, Babesia conradae, Babesia divergens, Babesia gibsoni, Babesia lengau, Babesia major, Babesia motasi, Babesia occultans, Babesia odocoilei, Babesia ovata, Babesia ovis, Babesia rodhaini

World-class sensitivity and specificity
Provides high sensitivity by Chemical-Mediated HotStart method. High sensitivity to detection limit of 10 copies of Babesia ovate.
Great reproducibility
Dried-type HotStart PCR PreMix type – Addition of template DNA and DW only required & highly reproducible result provided.
 Prevention of amplicon-induced cross-contamination by 8-MOP
Binding of 8-MOP (8-methoxypsoralen) to DNA double-helix structure, followed by UV irradiation.

> High Stability
1-year warranty under -20 °C.

> Quality Control
All AccuPower® products are manufactured under ISO 9001 Quality Control System.
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