All oligos provided by Bioneer are applied to the AccuOligo® system, and all oligos are produced in a clean room and supplied to customers in a DNase, RNase, and DNA free state. Generally, supplied oligos go through synthesis, purification, QC, and dispensing processes, are dried, and are then delivered to customers. In the case of conventional synthesis services, there is a chance that dried oligos may fall during their delivery from shaking and impacts.
If the containers are opened during the delivery, parts of oligos may fall out, leading to yield loss. This may be much more severe when ordered in plates as cross-contaminations may occur. AccuOligo® technology allows the synthesized oligonucleotides to stick at the bottom of the tube even under intense vibrations. (Dried oligonucleotide composition of the new patent application’ Patent 2006 Registration Number 10-0777249)