AccuTarget™ Mouse qPCR Screening Kit (20X)

The pre-designed primer set allows you to quantify the mRNA gene expression levels through the screening using Real time PCR(Intercalating dye). The primers were designed using precise bioinformatics tools to comply with MIQE guidelines and has proven that there is on non-specific amplification in silico.
Cat. No.


The primers are known to have a great impact in the results of experiments that involve real-time PCR. Thus, they must be designed under meticulous conditions. Our primers and probe designs are done using our state-of-the-art experience and referring to the latest gene information listed in NCBI database RefSeq (Reference Sequence) to amplify high target specificity and reduce the chance of dimerization.

AccuTarget ™ qPCR Screening kit has 84 primer sets in each well of the 96-well plates. 92 genes, including the control, are lyophilized in a single plate. This product can be used easily as the contents are conveniently divided into its standardized size (10X/20X/30X) for it to be used depending on the experimental conditions.

Ex) PCR Plate layout

Features and Benefits

  • Professional Design

    Design the primers by considering all the necessary conditions for qPCR such as target specificity, Tm value, and the size of PCR products.

  • Accurate, Cost-Saving Service

    Provide validated primer sets by undergoing target-specific amplification test through meticulously designed algorithms and utilizing BLAST to reduce the time and cost caused by wrong designs.

  • Convenient

    Easy to be used according to the purpose of the experiment by providing standardized size (10X/20X/30X) with conveniently pipetted contents.


  • Gene expression profile
  • NGS or Microarray validation
  • Product Quality Check
  • Cancer Inflammation and cytokine profiling
  • Stem cells
  • Signal transduction pathways
  • Biomarker screening and Validation

Experimental Data

Example analysis data for AccuTarget ™ qPCR Screening kit
Ex) Fold change, Scatters plot, Heatmap, etc.

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