AccuPower® 2X GreenStar™ qPCR Master Mix

AccuPower® 2X GreenStar™ qPCR Master Mix is a Real-Time PCR product with improved reaction specificity and PCR amplification efficiency by applying dsDNA binding dye and Top Antibody HotStart.

※This product is shipped in dry ice.

As low as $151.00
Cat. No.

Features and Benefits

  • Specificity

    Minimized experimental failures caused by products from non-specific amplifications and increased efficiency of even a small amount of template DNA using Hotstart Top DNA polymerase 

  • Easy-of-use

    Present in 2X master mix type without the need of dsDNA binding dye to minimize the error caused by the solution mixing

  • Stability

    Stabilizer included in the Real-Time PCR reaction mixture for long-term storage in a freezer and maintance of its performance activity

  • Reproducibility

    Mass production under ISO 9001 quality system allowing minimized deviation between lots and reproducible results even for replicates tested repeatedly under the same conditions and variables


• Real-time quantification of DNA and cDNA targets

• Gene expression profiling

• Microbial & Viral pathogen detection

Experimental data

accupower figure1

Figure. Highly reproducible Ct values
Amplification of an 90 bp target gene was detected using serially diluted LP(Legionella Pneumoniae) genomic DNA (106~101copies) with AccuPower® 2X Greenstar™ qPCR master mix. As shown in Figure, highly reproducible Ct values were achieved within each Lot. set of triplicates

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