AccuTarget™ qPCR Screening Kit

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  • The pre-designed primer set allows to quantify mRNA gene expression levels by screening the gene using Real time PCR(Intercalating dye).
  • The primers were designed using accurate bioinformatics tools to comply with MIQE guidelines and proved to prevent any non-specific amplification in silico conditions.
  • Cat. No. Product Description Option Price
    SH-0000-10 AccuTarget™ Human qPCR Screening Kit 10X $180.00
    SH-0000-20 20X $250.00
    SH-0000-30 30X $320.00
    SM-0000-10 AccuTarget™ Mouse qPCR Screening Kit 10X $180.00
    SM-0000-20 20X $250.00
    SM-0000-30 30X $320.00
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The primers are known to have a great impact in the results of experiments that involve real-time PCR. Thus, they must be designed under meticulous conditions. Our primers and probe designs are done using our state-of-the-art experience and referring to the latest gene information listed in NCBI database RefSeq (Reference Sequence) to amplify high target specificity and reduce the chance of dimerization.

AccuTarget ™ qPCR Screening kit has 84 primer sets in each well of the 96-well plates. 92 genes, including the control, are lyophilized in a single plate. This product can be used easily as the contents are conveniently divided into its standardized size (10X/20X/30X) for it to be used depending on the experimental conditions.

Ex) PCR Plate layout

Features and Benefits

  • Professional Design

    Design the primers by considering all the necessary conditions for qPCR such as target specificity, Tm value, and the size of PCR products.

  • Accurate, Cost-Saving Service

    Provide validated primer sets by undergoing target-specific amplification test through meticulously designed algorithms and utilizing BLAST to reduce the time and cost caused by wrong designs.

  • Convenient

    Easy to be used according to the purpose of the experiment by providing standardized size (10X/20X/30X) with conveniently pipetted contents.


  • Gene expression profile
  • NGS or Microarray validation
  • Product Quality Check
  • Cancer Inflammation and cytokine profiling
  • Stem cells
  • Signal transduction pathways
  • Biomarker screening and Validation

Experimental Data

Example analysis data for AccuTarget ™ qPCR Screening kit
Ex) Fold change, Scatters plot, Heatmap, etc.

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