AccuPower® RT MasterMix (2X, 1ml)

AccuPower® RT Master Mix is the Master Mix type of AccuPower® RT Premix products.

※ Master Mix product is shipped in dry ice

Cat. No.

Features and Benefits

  • Easy-of-use

    Amounts of reactants required for one PCR cycle included in each of the PCR tubes, allowing anyone to perform PCR tests easily simply by adding template DNA and primers

  • Stability

    Addition of stabilizer and RNase inhibitor for high resistance to degradation

  • Reproducibility

    Mass production under ISO 9001 quality system allowing minimized deviation between lots and reproducible results even for replicates tested repeatedly under the same conditions and variables


• First-strand synthesis of cDNA from RNA molecules (RT)

• Random priming reaction

• cDNA library construction

• Probe labeling

• mRNA 5’-end mapping by primer extension analysis


• Real-time qPCR

Experimental data

rt figure1

Figure. Amplification of an GAPDH target gene was detected using human total RNA (from 10 ng to 10 pg ) with AccuPower® RT PreMix.
Lanes 1-4; 10 ng, 1 ng ,and 100 pg, 10 pg  of total RNA from HeLa cells, respectively.

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