AccuPower® 2X GreenStar™ qPCR MasterMix (-ROX Dye) (2.5 ml)

AccuPower® 2X GreenStar™ qPCR Master Mix is a Real-Time PCR product with improved reaction specificity and PCR amplification efficiency by applying dsDNA binding dye and Top Antibody HotStart.

※This product is shipped in dry ice.

Cat. No.

Features and Benefits

  • Specificity

    Minimized experimental failures caused by products from non-specific amplifications and increased efficiency of even a small amount of template DNA using Hotstart Top DNA polymerase 

  • Easy-of-use

    Present in 2X master mix type without the need of dsDNA binding dye to minimize the error caused by the solution mixing

  • Stability

    Stabilizer included in the Real-Time PCR reaction mixture for long-term storage in a freezer and maintance of its performance activity

  • Reproducibility

    Mass production under ISO 9001 quality system allowing minimized deviation between lots and reproducible results even for replicates tested repeatedly under the same conditions and variables


• Real-time quantification of DNA and cDNA targets

• Gene expression profiling

• Microbial & Viral pathogen detection

Experimental data

accupower figure1

Figure. Highly reproducible Ct values
Amplification of an 90 bp target gene was detected using serially diluted LP(Legionella Pneumoniae) genomic DNA (106~101copies) with AccuPower® 2X Greenstar™ qPCR master mix. As shown in Figure, highly reproducible Ct values were achieved within each Lot. set of triplicates

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