AccuPower® RocketPlex RT-PCR Master Mix (2X, 1ml)

AccuPower® RocketPlex RT-PCR Master Mix is the Master Mix type of AccuPower® RocketPlex RT-PCR Premix products.

※ Master Mix product is shipped in dry ice

Cat. No.

Features and Benefits

  • Superior Multiplex Performance

    Simultaneous cDNA synthesis and amplification up to 10 target genes just by adding their primers in a single tube

    Single and Multiplex RT-PCR

  • Specificity

    HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase for increasing the specificity of the PCR reaction.

  • User-friendly

    Amplification of various targets easily in a single tube with one reaction which can be used by anyone


• Multiplex RT-PCR

• Low copy detection

• Gene-expression analysis

Experimental data

Figure. Single RT-PCR and Multiplex RT-PCR using AccuPower® RocketPlex RT-PCR PreMix
M; 25/100 bp Mixed DNA Ladder (Cat. No. D-1020,Bioneer)

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