
To improve servie quality,
we will replace the UPS and reset the network at the following time.

  • Date and time
    : July 10, 2022 (Sunday) 09:00-21:00 (12 hours)
  • Content
    : Unable to access the website during the time

Please understand that access to the website will be restricted.
Thank you for your patience in advance.

Power outage work in accordance with the periodic inspection of electrical equipment (Korea Electric Safety Corporation) is scheduled to proceed as follows.

• Date and time: March 27, 2022 (Sunday) 09:00-13:00 (4 hours)
• Content: Unable to access the website during the time

Please understand that access to the website will be restricted.
Thank you for your patience in advance.

Bioneer, AceBiome, siRNAgen

Bioneer,Oligo, Sequencing, Gene, DNA, RNA

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