AccuPower® TPMT genotyping Real-Time PCR Kit

AccuPower® TPMT genotyping Real-Time PCR Kit is an in vitro diagnostic kit designed to determine the genotype of Thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT) gene SNPs related to thiopurine drug dosing through real-time PCR.
Cat. No.
TPMT (Thiopurine S-methyltransferase) gene encodes a protein that catalyses S-methylation of aromatic and heterocycline suphdryl compounds. If a normal dose is prescribed to patients with a reduced TPMT activity, a side effect like a pancytopenia may occur. TPMT activity can be estimated through the SNP genotyping of the TPMT gene (239 G>C, 460 G>A, 719 A>G).

Features and Benefits

  1. Signature Convenience: Distinct and direct detection of TPMT SNP genotype through allele-specific PCR method.
  2. Enhanced Sensitivity & Specificity: Bioneer’s proprietary HotStart technology accomplishes high sensitivity and specificity.
  3. Remarkable Stability: Vacuum-dried premix allows stable and reproducible results.
  4. High Quality: All diagnostic kits manufactured by Bioneer are under strict quality control guidelines.


  Specimen Type Human whole blood, buccal swab
  Detectable Range 1 ng/test ~ 200 ng/test
  Kit Contents PCR Premix, PCs (T1/T2/T3/T4/T5/T6), DEPC D.W
  Instrumentation Exicycler™ 96 with ExiGenotyper™ software
  Tests 12


AccuPower® TPMT genotyping Real-Time PCR Kit includes Positive Control (PC) and Internal Positive Control (IPC) for accurate and reliable genotyping of TPMT gene SNP. If the assay is valid, the genotype of each SNP is heterotype.

User centric ExiGenotyper software automatically analyzes the test results. The genotype of each SNP is determined by delta Ct (thermal cycle) value between the mutant type amplification and the wild type amplification.

Ordering Information

Cat. No. Product Description
TPM-1111 AccuPower® TPMT genotyping Real-Time PCR Kit

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Quality Assurance

Bioneer is the holder of Quality Management System Certificates for the following standards.

ISO 13485 - certificate

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