AccuPower® ProFi Taq PCR PreMix (480 T, 50 μl)

AccuPower® ProFi Taq PCR PreMix uses ProFi Taq DNA polymerase developed by Bioneer which allows accurate amplification of long template DNA with high fidelity and efficiency. As the components necessary for PCR such as ProFi Taq DNA polymerases, dNTPs, reaction buffers, etc. are thoroughly mixed and vacuum-dried, each packaged with amounts sufficient for a single PCR run, by simply adding the template DNA and primers, a high-performance PCR product can be obtained.

※ This product is shipped at room temperature.
※ The reaction mixture contains stabilizers that keep full activity of enzymes even at the ambient temperature.

Cat. No.

Features and Benefits

  • High Efficiency, High Sensitivity PCR Amplification

    Guaranteed accurate PCR products with the excellent sensitivity and the best amplification efficiency

  • Long Range PCR

    Effective amplification of large genomic DNA fragments up to 20 kb of human DNA 

  • Convenience

    Simplified procedure only requiring the addition of templates and primers with vaccum-dried components

  • Stability

    Enhanced stability allowing maintaince of stable enzymatic activities after long-term storage by including a stabilizer and dried in the PCR reaction mixture 

  • Reproducibility

    Minimized deviation between lots through a mass production under ISO 9001 quality system, allowing reproducible results even for replicates tested repeatedly under same conditions and variables


• Primer extension

• long-range amplification from genomic DNA

• High amplification efficiency

• Excellent performance on difficult templates

• Amplification of low-copy targets

• High yield and high sensitivity PCR

Experimental data


Figure. Comparison of PCR amplification efficiency between ProFi Taq DNA polymerase from Bioneer and other suppliers' DNA polymerase.
The cycling conditions for ProFi Taq DNA polymerase were 95°C for 5 min, 30 cycles of 95°C for 20 sec, 55°C for 20 sec and 72°C for 30 sec. PCR reaction using other suppliers' DNA polymerase were performed according to each supplier's protocol.

Target : human Insulin receptor gene.
Lane M : 100 bp DNA Ladder(Bioneer, Cat. No. D-1030)
Lane 1 : 10 ng of human genomic DNA
Lane 2 : 1 ng of human genomic DNA
Lane 3 : 100 pg of human genomic DNA
Lane 4 : 10 pg of human genomic DNA

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