AccuPower® RocketScript™ RT PreMix (96 T, 20 μl)

AccuPower® RocketScript™ RT PreMix contains Bioneer’s exclusive M-MLV based thermostable reverse transcriptase, RocketScript™. Native M-MLV RTase has maximum activity at relatively low temperatures (42℃), causing several problems in reverse transcription of RNA molecules with complex secondary structure. RocketScript™ has thermostable activity (42-70℃), allowing efficient cDNA synthesis from virtually any RNA.

The vacuum-dried PreMix contains all needed components for a successful reverse transcription reaction, including RTase, RNase inhibitor and buffer. Just add template RNA, primers and D.W., for cDNA synthesis reaction.

※This product is shipped in dry ice.

Cat. No.

Features and Benefits

  • Thermostable Activity

    Excellent thermal resistance of RocketScript ™ RTase active even at 70℃, making it suitable for cDNA synthesis of secondary RNA structure with comprehensive selection of compatible temperature ranging from 42 to 70 ℃ depending on the required experimental condition and effective cDNA synthesis 


  • Reproducibility

    Mass production in one-batch system under ISO 9001 quality system with thorough QC for each batch, then supplied as uniform quality product to provide reproducible experimental results

  • Easy of use

    Simplified protocol without the need of template RNA incubation at 70 degrees, allowing anyone to easily synthesize RNA with a large secondary structure


• First-strand synthesis of cDNA from RNA molecules (RT)

• Random priming reaction

• cDNA library construction

• Probe labeling

• mRNA 5’-end mapping by primer extension analysis


• Real time PCR

Experimental data


Figure. Sensitivity comparison between AccuPower® RocketScript ™ RT Premix and M-MLV RTase
Sensitivity results of AccuPower® RocketScript ™ RT PreMix using GAPDH compared with conventional Reverse transcriptases.
Each 100 ng – 10 fg of total RNA used for RT and the same amount of RT products used for electrophoresis.

Lane 1: 10 fg Human total RNA from HeLa cell
Lane 2: 100 fg Human total RNA from HeLa cell
Lane 3: 1 pg Human total RNA from HeLa cell
Lane 4: 10 pg Human total RNA from HeLa cell
Lane 5: 100 pg Human total RNA from HeLa cell
Lane 6: 1 ng Human total RNA from HeLa cell
Lane 7: 10 ng Human total RNA from HeLa cell
Lane 8: 100 ng Human total RNA from HeLa cell

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