ProFi Taq DNA Polymerase, 10X Reaction Buffer without MgCl2, 20 mM MgCl2, 10 mM dNTPs (1,000 units)

ProFi Taq DNA polymerase is improved from traditional Taq DNA polymerase with higher efficiency, making it suitable for long-range PCR. Furthermore, this enzyme is compatible with various target genes such as complex genomic DNA or cDNA templates, and low-copy targets.

※This product is shipped in dry ice.

Cat. No.

Features and Benefits

  • Sensitivity

    Higher amplification efficiency and sensitivity than other enzyme products by using lambda DNA and human gDNA as a template

  • Long Range PCR

    Effective amplification especially lambda DNA up to 30kb and human gDNA up to 21kb.

  • Reproducibility

    Reproducible results with uniform quality products for each batch under the ISO 9001 quality system


  • Primer extension
  • Long-range amplification from genomic DNA
  • High amplification efficiency
  • Excellent performance on difficult template
  • Amplification of low-copy targets
  • High yield and high sensitivity PCR

Experimental data

Figure. Comparison of PCR amplification efficiency between ProFi Taq DNA polymerase from Bioneer and other suppliers' DNA polymerase. The cycling conditions for ProFi Taq DNA polymerase were 95°C for 5 min, 30 cycles of 95°C for 20 sec, 55°C for 20 sec and 72°C for 30 sec.
PCR reaction using other suppliers' DNA polymerase were performed according to each supplier's protocol.

Target: human insulin receptor gene
Lane M; 100 bp DNA Ladder (Bioneer, Cat. No. D-1030)
Lane 1; 10 ng of human genomic DNA
Lane 2; 1 ng of human genomic DNA
Lane 3; 100 pg of human genomic DNA
Lane 4; 10 pg of human genomic DNA

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