Upgraded Gene Synthesis Service

tailored to Customers
30-yr+ accumulated experiences,
from Raw Materials to Gene Synthesis
Raw materisals
Oligo Synthesizer
Fast & Cost Effective
Gene assembly by BIONEER's new technology
Enhanced efficiency in gene synthesis
In-house processes from raw materials to Gene synthesis
Long gene synthesis
We overcome the limitation of synthesizable gene length by Gibson assembly and Golden gate assembly
Longer genes with shorter TAT and an affordable price
Quality Aassurance
Free QC and re-shipment within 6 months
Codon Optimization/Deoptimization based on 30-yr+ accumulated technical experience
100% sequence guarantee by Automatic DNA sequencer (ABI 3730)
Order System
Gene Synthesis Custom Order
This service provides genes with 100% accuracy by only using the gene sequence information given by the customers. For those wishing for faster service time, please use our Rapid Gene Synthesis Service. For ordering DNA fragments, please use our AccuGeneBlock Service.
Cloning Custom Order
This service provides cloning services for inserts provided by the customers. TA Cloning Services are also available. If you do not have an insert gene, please use our Gene Synthesis & Cloning Service.
Mutagenesis Custom Order
This service provides gene with inner- or end-point mutations. If you do not have the template gene, please use our Gene Synthesis & Mutagenesis Service.
mRNA Synthesis Custom Order
This service provides various types of mRNA such as 5’ capping and 3’ poly (A) tailing. If you do not have the template gene, you can use our Gene & Standard mRNA Synthesis or Gene & Complete mRNA Synthesis Service.
Gene to Protein Synthesis Custom Order
This service undergoes all the steps from gene synthesis to protein synthesis. N-term His tag & C-term His tag vectors can be selected. For pBT7-C-His vectors, please be aware of the stop codons.
Cutting-Edge Fragment Assembly Technology and Gene Synthesis Service
fig. 1 Final construct
Fig. 2 Colony Screening
Fig. 3 Restriction enzyme mapping
The sample loading is in triplicate.
M: 100 bp Plus DNA Ladder (Bioneer D-1035)
Fig. 4 Sequencing for final validation
Gene Synthesis Rapid Gene Synthesis AccuGeneBlock
Delivery Form Plasmid DNA Plasmid DNA DNA Fragmant(PCR product)
Gene length 1bp ~ 1 ~ 1000bp 100 ~ 1000bp
Guaranteed exact plasmid DNA sequences with Bioneer's Gene synthesis service
Gene synthesis avaliable only within minimum of 5 days
AccuGeneBlock Service
Quick and easy service providing DNA fragments of 1 Kbp or less in at least 7 days for synthetic biology research
Gene Synthesis
Gene Length (bp) Synthetic price(Normal sequence) Synthesis Time
~ 400 $77 Average 5~10 working days
401 ~ 1,200 $0.19/bp Average 5~10 working days
1,201 ~ 2,000 Average 10~17 working days
2,001 ~ 3,000 Average 15~25 working days
3,001 ~ 15,000 Average 20~30 working days
15,001 ~ 100,000 $0.23/bp Inquire
100,001 ~ $0.27/bp ~ Inquire
Delivery Form 1 ~ 2 µg of vacuum dried plasmid *Low copy plasmid is 0.2~1 µg
Cloning Vector pBHA Basic vector
Other (bioneer vector) $50.00/+Add 5 days
(≤8kb gene length only)
Subcloning Price $200.00 (If ordered with commercial or custom vector of your choice)
Increase Service
*Low copy plasmid
> 4 μg > 100 μg > 300 μg > 500 μg
$23 $54 $154 Inquire
* Price and delivery period are raised for gene segments containing complex structures such as high or low GC content, repeat sequences or homopolymeric runs
* If you want to use subcloning with commercial vector, your order will be continued to Gene Cloning Service.
* Only the synthesized genes with 100% sequence match will be shipped after the sequencing procedure
* Genes that produces toxic substances or inhibits growth in E.coli cell system will be delivered in the form of PCR products or plasmid DNA, even during the sequence check during the synthesis process.
* If the gene synthesis is ordered for the protein expression or purification, Bioneer's ExiProgen™ service can be used to directly obtain the proteins. (Go to ExiProgen™ page for more details )

* Order Cancellation Policy:
50% of the total charge will be billed if the service is cancelled within 5 days
80% of the total charge will be billed if the service is cancelled after 5 days
No additional fee will be charged after the guarantee period, the period for completing gene synthesis service (except the delivery time)
Vector Map Sequence Vector Map Sequence Vector Map Sequence
High Copy pBHA View Low Copy pBLA View Expression pBT7-N-His View
pBHK View pBLK View pBT7-C-His View
pBHC View pBLC View pBT7-N-GST View
pBHZ View pBLZ View pBT7-C-GST View
pBIC-A View
AccuGeneBlock Service
Synthetic price 100~500 bp $96
501~1,000 bp $96 ( + $19/100 bp)
Synthesis period 100~500 bp 7 working days
501~1,000 bp 10 working days
Delivery Form 500 ng ~ 1 µg of lyophilized PCR product
Additional Service Increased Quantity 5 µg/$77
Synthesis may be limited if the gene contains high or low GCs, repeat sequences, or homo-polymeric runs. (Please use Gene synthesis service)
100bp~1000bp genes can be synthesized.
* PCR products are provided with 3'A tailing, but blunt ends can be also selected.
Rapid Gene Synthesis Service
Synthesis period 1~500 bp 5 working days
501~1,000 bp 8 working days
Synthetic price Inquire
Delivery Form 1 ~ 2 µg of vacuum dried plasmid
Cloning Vector pBHA (Basic vector)
Increase Service
*Low copy plasmid
> 4 μg > 100 μg > 300 μg > 500 μg
$23 $54 $154 Inquire
Synthesis containing complex structures such as high or low GC, repeated sequences, homo-polymeric runs, etc. may be limited. (General Gene Synthesis service available)
Genes synthesis that inhibit growth or contain toxicity to E. coli cell system may be limited. (General Gene Synthesis service available), We do not guarantee the synthesis period if confirmed during synthesis.
If the synthesis is completed after the guarantee period, 40% of discount will be applied to the estimated price.
Consultation service
Tel. +82-42-930-8777(Customer Support Center) or +82-42-930-8793, 8515 (Synthetic Biology Team)
Consultation time
Weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (closed on weekends and holidays)

Bioneer Global Center, 71, Techno 2-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34013, Republic of Korea   
TEL : +82-42-939-6333
FAX : +82-42-939-6444
Business Registration Number : 301-81-27217