ExiProgen™ Consumable SET

ExProgen™ Consumable SET is a disposable product essential when linking the MagListo™ kit to ExiProgen™ kit for automated protein purification. When MagListo™ kit is used together with ExiProgen™ and activated, 1 to 16 samples can be simultaneously purified while in case of human IgG, maximum of 600 ug can be obtained within an hour.

Cat. No.

Features and Benefits

  • Automated system

    Pre-installed protocol allowing anyone to easily purify antibodies

  • Simultaneous multiple purification

    Isolation from 1 to 16 of different sample types at the same time

  • Comprehensiveness

    1 - 20 mg of various amounts of beads set according to their purpose

  • Reproducibility

    Reproducible experimental results by using automatic dispensing system and minimizing error range.

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